
Yoga Level I

This class is suitable for absolute beginners as well as those with some previous experience in yoga or in this tradition . The intention of group classes is to give each person an experience of yoga and to learn to appreciate the long term benefits of regular practice by committing to a session . The initial focus is learning to co-ordinate breath and movement to gradually develop a more calmer, centered state of mind and physical ease. Individual attention is given , when appropriate, to assist in learning to adapt the practice to suit your own needs.  This class is suitable for mature students.

Yoga Level II

This class is recommended for those who have attended at least one session with Sheree or in this tradition. Beginners are still welcome at the beginning of each session. The class incorporates breath focused movement with particular attention to developing breathing techniques and mental focus in asana (postures) and pranayama (breathwork).  Students are guided with care towards experiencing the function of each asana and beginning to understand the more subtle energetic aspects. Individual attention is given and students are more able to guide themselves with their own adaptations. Sheree enjoys the process of getting to know her students over time so she can assist them in their practice as it applies to their daily lives.

Yoga Level III

This class is for students who have been practicing with Sheree for at least one year. Those with experience in other traditions are recommended to complete one session at Level II first to understand the foundation of breath and movement. This class continues to develop a more advanced classical asana practice with pranayama and chanting or sound in asana as ways to deepen mental focus. This is a more disciplined and meditative class as less instruction is given at this stage. Students are guided towards experiencing the subtler energetic aspects of breath in asana as well as bandhas in pranayama and working with more specific energetic intentions such as calming and energizing . Attending individual sessions are recommended to develop your own home practice.

Individual Sessions for personal practice / Yoga Therapy

An individual session is the most apprpriate way to develop a personal practice, which lies at the center of our approach to yoga. This is how I study with my teacher, Rosemary, and is the primary method of teaching at the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram in Chennai, India, which sets the standards for yoga therapy today.

Yoga contributes considerably to energy and to a sense of well being. Your own practice can become a touchstone for developing health and balance, both physically and mentally. It has the same effect as water dripping on a stone over time. The long term benefits and desired changes accrue with regular practice. A daily yoga practice can begin with as little as 15 minutes and develop according to your own situation.

In a private class we will discuss your health history and your current living situation, diet, lifestyle etc. We will listen to your needs and wishes then observe you and your breathing doing simple movements to determine how to proceed. During the session, we guide you through a personalized practice well within your physical limits. You will receive a copy of the practice, clearly drawn in stick figures and giving details of breathing, to guide you at home.

The student is engaged in their own healing process, instead of being a passive recipient of treatment. It is up to the student to do the practice for it to have any effect. At each session the current practice is evaluated and revised according to the evolving changing needs and abilities.

Individually students begin on a weekly or bi-weekly schedule towards monthly. We also encourage group students to take a private class from time to time, especially if they have special concerns.

A personal yoga practice may be a complementary health modality for someone with special needs such as injury, autism, restricted movement, pregnancy, cancer, multiple sclerosis  or other illnesses, mental or emotional stress. It is way of taking time for yourself, cultivating self knowledge, seeing more clearly and finding peace.

Sheree has taught hundreds of hours of individual instruction over the years, constantly developing different practices, and being inspired by the way the tools of yoga can be applied to meet each person’s need. The art of working with individuals is part of her teacher development program.

To book an individual session, please contact Sheree

Junior Yoga

The junior yoga class is a fun, energetic way to learn yoga in a warm, caring environment. Children from ages 6-12 years are welcome to attend. In addition to learning yoga postures, asanas in intelligent sequences called  vinyasa krama, they also learn the  teachings of the yoga sutras of Patanjali e.g. ahimsa (kindness towards others), chanting and sound in postures for concentration. Each class ends with a an exercise in relaxation to teach them self soothing skills.

Yoga Community Class - monthly

The idea for this class came from a feeling of gratitude towards all students and to celebrate the yoga desha community, sangha. I intend for this class to be an accessible class for anyone without any previous experience. It can be an introduction for a newcomer or used as a make up class for current students for any missed classes in a session. Students are welcome to bring a friend, a daughter, husband or mother. The class is open to all and will be tailored to who is there at that time. I welcome new and current students to attend. A donation is welcome towards supporting the 1000 Hill Community Helpers in Kwazulu Natal, South Africa.

Yoga Sutra Study and Meditation

Yoga is a simple, yet practical philosophy. Combining practice with study can be very helpful on a spiritual path. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali as translated by TKV Desikachar is the text we study together in this small group. The class is two hours includes the chanting of the sutras, translation and discuss of the relevance of each sutra as it pertains to each of our daily lives. We finish with a reflection or meditation on a particular sutra. Deepen your understanding of the practice of yoga with further reflection through the yoga sutras.

Please contact Sheree to register

Vedic Chant for Beginners

Vedic Chant were transmitted by means of oral recitation and recollection from one generation of teachers and students to the next. It was the vitality of this link between teacher and student that is responsible for the continuity of this tradition that is as relevant today as it was several thousand years ago.

The Veda-s are the source of most of the mantra-s that are in practice. Mantra-s are powerful sounds, which when pronounced in the right manner produce certain vibrations that have the potential to alter our physiological state, thereby improving physical and mental health. Vedic chant finds important applications in healing and yoga therapy as well.

Please contact Sheree for further info